The name Python, to a programming language, appears to be wired. So was it named after a snake called Python? Of course not! There is something else entirely behind it. The motivation for the name came from BBC's TV Show – 'Monty Python's Flying Circus, as the maker of Python - Guido van Rossum was a major enthusiast of the TV show and furthermore, he needed a short, extraordinary, and marginally strange name for his creation and thus he named it Python!
2) Python is Older Than Java
Python programming language is high popular has filled radically in the beyond 10 years. So it appears Python is another dialect that got the fascination with its crowd and that gave it help. Be that as it may, here's a pleasant reality, Python is an old programming language and is significantly more established than Java. Python was at first delivered in 1991 though Java was delivered in 1995. Accordingly, Python is currently just about 30 years of age and stills remains steadfast for what's to come.
3) Python Was a Hobby Project
Imagine a scenario in which I advise you, Python was not made as a business or an expert venture, and rather, it was a side interest task of the maker. Python's maker Guido van Rossum was searching for an intriguing task to keep him involved during Christmas.
He had effectively assisted with making ABC programming language prior in his profession and he had seen a few issues with ABC however enjoyed the vast majority of the provisions. Hence, he took the grammar of ABC, a portion of its great provisions, and furthermore fixed a few issues totally and had made a decent prearranging language which had taken out every one of the imperfections. That project that he made and is said to have succeeded ABC, is Python!
4) Variants of Python
Python programming language has various variations for various use cases and applications. A portion of the Python variations are,
CPython-It is written in C and is the most widely recognized execution of Python
Jython-It is written in Java that orders to bytecode
IronPython-This is executed in C# and is an extensibility layer to systems written in .NET
Brython-It is Python for Browser and it runs in the program
RubyPython-It is the scaffold among Python and Ruby mediators
PyPy-It is executed in Python
MicroPython-This variation runs on a microcontroller
5) Python is Open Source
Python has probably the biggest local area on the planet and doesn't have any exclusive permit that controls who utilizes it. It is totally open-source that implies, individuals from the Python people group are permitted to make their commitments to the Python environment.
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Very nice Article.